Stitching Santa 2017 – My Santa is a Sweet, Sneaky Genius

Thank you to Sheila for hosting another year of #StitchingSanta, a secret Santa gift exchange open to all stitchers, knitters, and crafters.

The backstory. I discovered Danielle otherwise known as @Nell1120 on Instagram. She recently posted her participation in Stitching Santa with a sneak peek at what her recipient was getting. One of the items was a little handmade fabric basket, the very one I was making for my own partner. I commented on the post saying my recipient was getting one, too, and she slyly replied “too funny! They’re so useful, aren’t they?” I secretly hoped that Danielle was my Santa. And she was! (Oh, and I just learned she blogs at Enchanted by Books, you’ll want to go that it out.)

My package arrived just as we were leaving for a Christmas visit with my kids on the Central California coast. My conundrum – do I open now? Or wait till we return on the 29th? Of course I wanted to open immediately, but I deferred to the community who would all be opening on Christmas Day. Waiting was the proper response. Curses.

We returned on Friday morning Dec 29 and as soon as we were in the door, I opened my parcel.

Oooh, my box is stuffed with this….


Unwrapping revealed…more unwrapping!


And after all the unwrapping, look at this haul!


Danielle sent a most eclectic assortment.  A pack of five Christmas fabrics, a pack of white lace seam tape, a cute monogrammed tea towel and spatula, a little jar of pretty buttons (who doesn’t love buttons!), a tiny little ice cream charm, a chunky Christmassy coffee cup, and two handmade items – the cute little fabric basket and an adorable stripey pin cushion.  You won’t see the assortment pack of hand needles because they were apparently camera-shy.

Here is a close up of the pattern: it’s Butterick which has always been a favorite, and I just might have the perfect fabric already in my stash.


Special closeup:


I wanted to be sure you all can see what this is. It’s just a little charm. But in her card, Danielle said she included it hoping to bring a smile, as she knew I’d still be sad over my mom’s recent passing. Mint chip was Mama’s favorite (and mine) and this was such a sweet gesture. It did bring a smile, and will go onto my key ring.

So after all, it was best to open my gifts after our Christmas holiday. It prolonged a little bit of joy for another day.

Thank you Danielle! I love it all, such thoughtful and kind gifts!




No resolutions, just a plan – #2017MakeNine

Through Rochelle’s blog, LuckyLucille, I learned about the #2017MakeNine. Since I’m not “doing resolutions” for 2017, but want to ramp up my sewing and need some accountability, I’ve decided to join the MakeNine group.

So in no particular order, these are my chosen patterns.

  • The True Bias Hudson Pant – because it seems like a fairly easy make, and looks so comfy! This will be my first pair of pants to make since 1970. Those were green/beige plaid wool lined with something slinky. Oh and they may have had cuffs. Yikes.



  • Grainline Morris – because I’m possibly the only person alive who hasn’t made one and it will go with nearly anything! Perhaps in a lightweight wool? My last jacket was a close-fitting floral blazer in hideous shades of red and blue, if memory serves. And giant buttons.



  • Simplicity 2208, Version C in fleece – because it has a hood, and great lines. It will be a great cozy jacket for those days when the big, puffy down coat isn’t necessary. I might even match the pattern photo, if I can find dotted fleece.



  • Merchant & Mills Ellie and Hattie dress – because it looks terribly comfy, has nice, roomy pockets, and look at those interesting darts with contrast thread! Do you think this could this work in a knit?



  • Sewaholic Patterns, Gabriola Skirt – because of the pretty yoke detail, and the long lines. Will likely made up in the white polyester I received from Carmen, my StitchingSanta.



  • Grainline Linden – because it’s a sweatshirt, which is perfect for fall, winter, and spring around here. And that comfort factor again.



And these patterns have fabric purchased already, set to cut out and go!

  • I bought loads of this cotton jersey at Abakhan in Chester, and it seems perfect for jammies. On the fence, though, about the pattern, which I bought for $1 at a Joanne’s super sale.



  • The same Abakhan shopping trip resulted in this oh-so-soft gray jersey, which I’ll use to make up this tee shirt pattern, a gift from Ali. Can the sleeves be lengthened without spoiling the look?



  • And last but not least, this pussy bow blouse (also from Ali) will be made up from this fabulous polyester print (gifted from Del, Curls n Skirls).



It’s a good plan, wouldn’t you agree?  Mostly simple and comfortable, and I’m ready to sew!!

Stitch on in the New Year everyone!

StitchingSanta Revealed…What Carmen Gave Me

Hoping you’ve all had a marvelous holiday, and that 2017 brings you peace and joy. And a great big thank you to Sheila, of Sewchet, for again hosting this delightful StitchingSanta Christmas gift swap.

My parcel arrived a few days before Christmas, and it was so difficult to not peek! But I was strong, and managed only to notice a gentle rattle when the box was moved. Ooooh, what could that be? Popcorn? Peppermints? Lumps of coal?

And so it is opened….


Ooooh, look at the wrapped bag of snowy goodness!

And emptying the parcel solved the rattling mystery: buttons! Lots of cute, mostly wooden buttons! And who doesn’t love a nice button. See the one with the world map?


Buttons and more….


Everything all spread out and looking pretty impressive.


The contents, in no particular order:

A lovely Christmas card
A yellow book, all about the color yellow
A rubber stamp featuring a vintage sewing machine
Two spools of thread
A roll of golden circle trim
A roll of stay tape (now I don’t need to buy it)
A pack of buttons and embellishments
Six (!) patterns; 3 garments, 2 home decor, and a duffel bag
Three yards of snowy white polyester jersey

Quite the haul, wouldn’t you agree?

Thanks so much, Carmen of See Carmen Sew!


Stitch on in the New Year everyone!

And Awaaaay it Went!

So pleased to be participating for the second time in Sheila’s #stitchingsanta. For my recipient, I included some bought goodies, some found goodies, and a handmade goody. Oh, I hope she likes them! All have been wrapped, tucked away in a shipping box and safely delivered to the Post Office.

My package arrived yesterday; I didn’t shake it, or try to peek inside, but it’s nice and rattly. So mysterious.


Looking forward to all the reveals!

#StitchingSanta 2016


Cheers! It’s time again for Stitching Santa, the third year of this gift exchange, but just my second year to take part. I’ve received my swap partner’s info and started to “stalk” her blog. Ideas are spinning around in my head and I’m anxious to get started.

There is a limit on new purchases ($15 here in the US), but we have a free reign with our existing stash and any extras (freebies) we can come up with. This the process: After our partner assignment, we cruise through her blog to get to know her and gather ideas for our parcel. From time to time, we’ll post a little sneak peek at what we are creating, and then on Christmas Day, all the “reveals” begin posting, so follow along and we’ll see everyone’s handiwork together.

Just to give you an idea, here are my giving and receiving posts from last year’s partners, Abi of Freckled Fashionista and Michelle of Sewnhenge.

Many thanks to Sheila of Sewchet for organizing this activity, it’s a great little way to get to know other sewing/knitting bloggers, and spread a bit of holiday joy in the process!

Stitch on, lucky participants!


#StitchingSanta Reveal – My turn to play Santa

First off, a great big thank you is in order to Sewchet’s Sheila, who organized this #StitchingSanta gift exchange. It appears to have been a grand success. And oh, what fun! I received a heaping helping of goodness from my Santa Michelle, and I was able to play Santa to a most delightful recipient.

My partner was Abigail (Abi) of Freckled Fashionista. Abi is a young sewist, and a very accomplished one I might add. She is cute and funny, and has a passion for creative arts, including sewing. I had stumbled upon and followed her blog shortly before Sheila paired me up with her. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner.

Unfortunately, I took very few photos (and you’ve seen two of them before).

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This little ensemble became pin and needle cushions. The red flannel is from my stash (Abi loves flannel) and I made the traditional “tomato” effect with red and silver thread. Each is topped with vintage button, and has a felt bottom.


Knowing Abi’s love of flannel, I searched the vintage and thrift stores where I finally found a great piece for her, a lovely red plaid. The pink and gray appears to be a linen blend and seems perfect for a little summery something.

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Here are the cushions and a tiny Christmas box of vintage buttons, some of which are matching sets.


I added a little bit of hot chocolate into the mix for good measure, and sent them off to Abi!

I’m thrilled to report that Abi loved all her goodies (she reported on her blog right away), and I am looking forward to seeing her new creations. Happy New Year, Abi, and to all of you!


#StitchingSanta Reveal – My Santa Rocks!

Good morning all, and welcome to my Big Reveal!

You may recall that I’ve been away visiting my mom and sister in California. And you may also recall that my StitchingSanta parcel arrived during my absence and that I’ve whined like a baby having to wait so long to open my package. Well, finally Opening Day has arrived and I am so happy to share my goodies with you. First of all, there are A LOT of photos (for which I make no apology) because my Santa, Michelle, was so extraordinarily generous. Please check out her blog, Sewnhenge, I know you’ll love it, too!

So without further ado, let’s get this parcel opened.


This was a jam-packed box! Which became…


…a table full of whimsical packages. Which became….


…an amazing pile of abundance! Would you like some closeups? Of course you would! So I must oblige. Continue reading

Sunday Sevens – Week 67 (Ahem….Make that Sunday Ones?)

Good morning everyone! This is not a very compliant Sunday Sevens, as I only have one photograph. You can read all about Sunday Sevens (and how to do it properly) by checking out the blog Threads and Bobbins, by Natalie, who started it all. You might even want to join in!

This week there are no holiday decorations, no pretty skies, no cats, no dogs, nada. My week, while quite busy and productive, has not been documented by a single photograph! (I considered posting a rant about the pink-sweater woman in Macy’s who had been standing at the wrong side of the counter, paying no attention to the line. When the clerk showed her the line, she popped herself right into the middle of it. You guessed it, directly in front of my mom [in her walker] and me. Apparently, she believed her special line began and ended with her. I hope her day got better, and there were a great many happy, wonderful shoppers who cheerfully expressed their holiday spirit.) But I digress.

Without further ado, here is my one photograph. I had asked my husband to send me a picture when a certain package arrived. Mind, he is not an enthusiastic photographer and has no editing proclivity, so this is what I received from him. Shopping bags on the floor, magazines on the table, and my package! There is no return address showing (where oh where did this come from? and from whom? is there a name somewhere? anywhere? I have to wait to open it till I get home on Dec 28!!).

You’ll also notice #stitchingsanta prominently written on the side.

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And that’s when it hit me….I had neglected to label my package as such. I’m sure my partner recognized my name in the return address, and realized the package was from her Santa and that her Santa was me even before she opened it!

So Happy Holidays everyone, I hope all you happy santas properly labeled your packages, and that you can open your own on Christmas Day!

Sunday Sevens – Week 60

Hello lovelies! Today’s Sunday Sevens offers a few glimpses of my last two weeks. Why not pop on in to Natalie’s site, Threads and Bobbins, to see what Sunday Sevens is all about; it’s fun and anyone can join in.


Just a Nature Study

Glorious autumn is still evident with foliage in transition. A
“girls’ day out” was in order for Mom’s last week here; the two of us visited Letchworth State Park where we had reservations at the Glen Iris Inn for a lovely light lunch. The location is idyllic, steps away from the falls in this gorge.

Letchworth State Park

Letchworth State Park

A Tiny Bit of Shopping

After lunch, we stopped into the inn’s tiny gift shop. Mom officially started her Christmas shopping with this adorable little purse for teenage girl who is “nearly” family.

Sweet little blue leather purse

Sweet little blue leather purse

And Church Bells Ring

We wanted to show Mom Christ Church, an Episcopal church downtown, before she went home. It’s old, beautiful, historic, and has the most enormous, incredible pipe organ I could ever imagine. This picture doesn’t begin to do it justice.

The pipes

The pipes

All Along the Lakeside

We made a tour of the local shoreline, driving through neighborhoods both exclusive and humble, an amusement park, apple orchards. This is a tiny part of the Lake Ontario shoreline. (Lake Ontario is the smallest in surface area and second smallest in volume of the Great Lakes)


Apples and Vino

Back in California now, wrapping up our time together by spending the week with Mom and sister. We visited Apple Hill, where we had hot apple cider donuts with fresh apple cider, and bought some apples to take home.

Apples galore

Apples galore

Heading back down the road we came upon Boeger Winery, nestled in the beautiful California oak and pine trees – ah, i do miss them. We indulged in a wee bit of wine tasting and took in the fabulous scenery. There are lots of delightful little outdoor nooks such as this one, as well as expansive winery vistas.

A quiet resting spot

A quiet resting spot

Sewing and Joining In

I’ll be returning home in a few days and will be back at my sewing machine. My long neglected skirt (and sewing challenges) will be finished and blogged, and oh yes, I’ve joined in Sewchet’s stitchingsanta! The deadline was Oct 31 and I squeaked in on the very last day. Whew. Now the pressure is on; a secret Santa can’t just throw any old thing together, you know….

What About Me?



Is this an accusing face or what? Perhaps Frieda gets more air time, but Jasmine is pretty cute, too, and seems to have something to say. So, just because it has been a while since she has been included, here she is.

That’s it for now, but I promise to be back soon with finished project, and upcoming projects. And no more trees…..well, maybe.

Stitch on, everyone!