StitchingSanta Revealed…What Carmen Gave Me

Hoping you’ve all had a marvelous holiday, and that 2017 brings you peace and joy. And a great big thank you to Sheila, of Sewchet, for again hosting this delightful StitchingSanta Christmas gift swap.

My parcel arrived a few days before Christmas, and it was so difficult to not peek! But I was strong, and managed only to notice a gentle rattle when the box was moved. Ooooh, what could that be? Popcorn? Peppermints? Lumps of coal?

And so it is opened….


Ooooh, look at the wrapped bag of snowy goodness!

And emptying the parcel solved the rattling mystery: buttons! Lots of cute, mostly wooden buttons! And who doesn’t love a nice button. See the one with the world map?


Buttons and more….


Everything all spread out and looking pretty impressive.


The contents, in no particular order:

A lovely Christmas card
A yellow book, all about the color yellow
A rubber stamp featuring a vintage sewing machine
Two spools of thread
A roll of golden circle trim
A roll of stay tape (now I don’t need to buy it)
A pack of buttons and embellishments
Six (!) patterns; 3 garments, 2 home decor, and a duffel bag
Three yards of snowy white polyester jersey

Quite the haul, wouldn’t you agree?

Thanks so much, Carmen of See Carmen Sew!


Stitch on in the New Year everyone!

Sunday Sevens – Week 61

Hello everyone! Today’s Sunday Sevens, created by Natalie of Threads and Bobbins, offers a few glimpses of my last week. These are bits of random fun that are not quite ready for their own post. Why not pop on over to Natalie’s site to see what Sunday Sevens is all about; it’s fun and anyone can join in.



Back at home for mama

My mom’s visit wrapped up with me spending a week with her in Sacramento, CA. We enjoyed lovely weather, including a very rainy day and night. Due to a long drought, Californians welcome any and all precipitation! My sister and many of her neighbors have converted their water guzzling lawns into drought resistant sanctuaries for birds, butterflies and bees.

The new California yard

Back at home for me

While the peak color show for fall foliage is waning, there are still many bright yellow leaves around the neighborhood. The sun shines through the tree outside my living room window bathing the entire room in gold, like a brilliant jeweled diorama created just for me.



Back at my sewing machine

Tried on my WIP again, and even with all the nice meals and treats of late, my skirt slides on (and immediately slides right off) even with the zipper closed. That’s a good thing, but necessitated two extra darts. I basted them in and voila – skirt stays up! Will just take a few minutes to sew the darts, then the waistband and hem are all that remain. Skirt is due for completion tonight! Finally.

Five darts!

Five darts!

Back to the blogs

No new books for me just at the moment, I have blogs to read! Spent a good deal of time reading the blogs I’ve missed over the past month. And Sheila of Sewchet has sent me a wonderful Secret Santa partner; the ideas are rolling…

Can you keep a secret?

Can you keep a secret?

Back to my mailbox

Barbara, of Zibergirl Sews had a giveaway…..and I was one of the recipients! What she calls a “token” arrived in my mailbox while I was away. I opened up the envelope to find an inner (very fancy) envelope, and this! An adorable little business card wallet. Black floral print on the outside, two different polka dots inside, lime green button loop, and a snazzy black button with green tint positioned right next to a big green flower. So cleverly done. Thank you, Barbara!


Sweet little purse

Back to the music stand

Some time back (probably a year or more) I mentioned to Mr. LTSB that I love the cello (I once was a flutist) and if I were to learn a new instrument, a cello it would be. Upon my return from CA, he ushered me into the living room where my birthday gift was waiting! What a thoughtful husband. My first lesson is tomorrow. Watch out YoYo Ma, here I come!

Yo Yo Jen?

Yo Yo Jen?

Back to the fabric store

We wandered into Joanne Fabrics and discovered a sale in progress…..Simplicity Patterns for $1.00; these were each originally $17.00! How could I pass it up? Found three that offered some possibilities…

Super sales are good....

Super sales are good….

So that was my week. Hope your last week was lovely and the next one will be even better!

Stitch on, everyone!