Sunday Sevens #87

After some sporadic posting lately, my Sunday Sevens post is ready early. So early, in fact, that it was nearly titled Saturday Sevens, but that seemed a teeny bit boastful, don’t you think? If you’d like to know more about Sunday Sevens, pop over to Natalie’s blog, Threads and Bobbins, and check it out. It’s fun, easy, and anyone can join in.

Street Work


The City worked on our street for over a month to relocate the gas meters from the basements to new outdoor locations. Our tiny fence is countersunk so deep they couldn’t drill next to it to install the line; they had to go under the sidewalk instead.  IMG_6917Digging up the sidewalk was messy, but they poured a brand new one. IMG_6932

A day to dry, and our beautiful new sidewalk will be ready!

Around the Neighborhood


Our city has many, many interesting sculptures. This one took my fancy.

April showers brought May flowersIMG_6866We have tulips

IMG_6840So many colors


These are my favorite. Aren’t they spectacular?

Mother’s Day

IMG_6876Took mama out for dinner at a little bistro. We each had a fresh and fabulous salad, and took home this exquisite little pizza for tomorrow night. Yum!

A little outing

IMG_6940Just follow the signs to the alpacas….

IMG_6937This is Jenny and she’s just had her very first haircut. She was a patient client, with a patient, gentle shearer. Isn’t she pretty?


This wool was from the first of 14 alpaca shorn; it is soft as a cloud. Stuff of dreams.


Just added a few shreds of Romano cheese, a sprinkle of fresh parsley, and voila! A meal in minutes. Absolutely delicious!

They are not afraid

IMG_6807Out for a drive to a nearby park, we encountered a group of deer (poorly photographed). They watched as we slowed to a stop, and sauntered on up to greet us! Perhaps they are accustomed to receiving treats from travelers.

New fabric


And a new tunic is in the works.

That’s all folks! Hope you all have a most wonderful week.

Sunday (on Monday) Sevens – Week 56

Hi everyone, it’s time (already!) for this week’s Sunday Sevens, a little ode to randomness, those bits that don’t merit a whole post. For info about Sunday Sevens, please pop in to see the creator, Natalie, over at Threads & Bobbins. There are no real rules, just sharing of seven(ish) pictures.


Frankenstein Chili

Frankenstein Vegetarian Chili

Frankenstein Vegetarian Chili

It’s getting cold here….fabulous fall days that call for fabulous fall meals. Something quick and easy, such as this Frankenstein Vegetarian Chili, so named because it’s a conglomeration of recipes, tweaks and on-hand ingredients, resulting in a dish that is, frankly (sorry), fabulous! As I made it this time:

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 C. chopped onions
3/4 C. chopped carrots
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 C. ea chopped green and red bell pepper
3/4 C. chopped celery
1 tbsp chili powder
1 (28 oz) can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 (19 oz) can kidney beans, undrained
1 (11 oz) can whole kernel corn, undrained
1 tsp ground cumin
1 -1/2 tsp dried oregano
1-1/2 tsp dried basil
dash red pepper flakes

Heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Saute onions, carrots, and garlic until tender. Stir in green/red pepper, celery, and chili powder. Cook until veggies are tender, about 6 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, kidney beans, and corn.  Season with cumin, oregano, and basil. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Top with shredded cheese and serve with hearty bread.

New patterns

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Simplicity K1620 – from Teresa

Teresa of Navy Blue Threads had a giveaway, and I received my Simplicity pattern! I’m planning to make my first pair of pants (so simple -YAY) from this pattern.

Colette Patterns

Colette Patterns

I purchased the Colette Sewing Handbook, which includes 6 patterns.


Don’t know how many I’ll make, but there is a scalloped skirt, and I’ve wanted to recreate this yellow dress I made in high school (that’s me in the center). Maybe there is something to tinker with…

Books and Movies

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Haven’t finished the two books I’m reading, so I set this one aside and glance at it from time to time — hoping to get my yoga groove back. We’ve never seen this movie classic, so hubby and I finally watched it last night. Tennessee Williams certainly didn’t shy away from sensitive subjects.

Guess that’s it for now. Spending time getting house ready for my mother’s visit. She arrives on Wednesday and stays for three weeks! Who’s excited?

Happy stitching, all.

Sunday Sevens – Week 53

Hi everyone, this begins a new batch of Sunday Sevens, a little ode to randomness that doesn’t merit a whole post. For info about Sunday Sevens, please pop in to see the creator, Natalie, over at Threads & Bobbins. There are no real rules, just sharing of seven(ish) pictures.


This week was mostly about the weather.

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In the space of three days we went from sweltering heat to downpours, from 90 degrees to low sixties! Do you suppose that thunderhead was a factor?


So how did we spend these cool, drizzly, blustery days? By cooking up nice warm comforting meals? Of course not! This recipe is to be served as salad or dip and used all the ingredients here plus a pack of extra firm tofu, which is hidden under the greens. I toasted the sesame seeds, threw everything in a bowl, and gently mashed. Then, to mix it up a bit, I chopped red bell peppers, lettuce, tomato and feta cheese — then rolled the chop and the mash into whole wheat tortilla wraps. Yummy!

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Kept up with my walking on the cooler days….the neighborhood will be out in force with the rakes very soon!


This was at 11:00 this morning. The picture is darker than it really was, but those clouds were certainly ominous.

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Under those clouds, we walked the high school track for the Flower City Down Syndrome Network annual Buddy Walk. There is our little Lily showing us which way to walk, you can see her if you zoom in.


My next project? I’d like to create something similar to this skirt from Anthropologie. Doable? I’m not sure what the fabric is, having saved the picture without its description.

Have a great week everyone!



Let us eat … Tomato Soup Cake!

No sewing project to show you yet, although fabric and a different pattern (glitches, more on that next time) have been purchased and progress is underway!

In the meantime, you may remember my reference to Tomato Soup Cake, here, and you may have wondered what in the world it could be and why would anyone request it for every birthday. Is it red? No. Is it soupy? No again. But, it is absolutely delicious! And it couldn’t be easier.

Tomato Soup Cake
Tomato Soup Cake


Kate and Ali (wasn’t that an old tv show?) expressed interest, so I inquired and my sister-in-law assured me that the old family recipe is NOT a secret! So you are in luck, the recipe is yours for the taking.

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