Sunday Sevens – Week 46 – 2 for me — The Mash-Up

Hopefully no one was paying too close attention when I missed last Sunday. We’ve had guests (fun times) and worked around the old house (work times) so I didn’t write much, and apparently everyone took photos but me. However, I do have a few random shots from around the house over the last couple of weeks.

I’m calling today’s Sunday Sevens a mash-up. Doesn’t that make me sound so modern and hip?

Here they are, in no particular order…


When my friend Kay was visiting from Las Vegas, one of our excursions was to the Corn Hill Festival. She bought me this Arts and Crafts inspired tile trivet as a memento, which is perfect in our kitchen.



I have fancy new toes – and what better place to model them than on the back porch in the rain?



And I’ve been trying to stick to a walking routine….here is the gorgeous rock entry to a neighbor’s front walk.



Speaking of gardens (who was speaking of gardens?), my planted-too-late sunflowers never took hold, but we have these Echinacea.



And I don’t know what these are, but the bees just love them. Can you spot one?



Lilies at our old house, need to plant some at the new house for next year.



And who doesn’t love babies? Look at this little guy (about 1-1/2 inches) who was just hopping around at the old house.

 Next week for me – fabric shopping, hooray!

Happy Sunday everyone, hope your week brings nothing but goodness.