Photo Challenge – Winter

Joining in with the Weekly Photo Challenge, this week’s topic is winter.

Western/upstate New York has had a very mild winter so far, and fortunately was spared from the massive storm that pelted the U.S. eastern coast just a few days ago. Even without effects of the big storm, we do have a bit of winter wonderland. I do love our stately old birch in her winter colors!



Linking up with Wild Daffodils weekly photo challenge!

27 thoughts on “Photo Challenge – Winter

        • Oh, that’s a great idea. I’ll try to remember to take one…and then to post it. 😉 We did get a little more snow, and a bit more to come over the next several days. My poor mama is in California wondering why on earth she ever agreed to move here with us!! (She arrives in two days!) I have to remind her she grew up with snow, for goodness sake.

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          • Suppose you could start a once-a-month or so continuing blog post about her (the tree, not your mum!), and wax poetical or philosophical or not wax at all. . . I lived in CA for a few years before moving, and really got razed by well-meaning friends beforehand. Perhaps she’s (mum, not tree) got something similar chasing away her pleasant memories. Hope her travels go well!

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            • Haha! If only waxing was in my skills set. But who knows? I might give it a shot. They can’t really revoke my blogging license now can they. 😉
              It’s a huge move for her (mum, not tree haha) – although not as huge as from Wales to the USA. I’m quite certain she will be fine once she settles in. Thank you for your kind words.

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  1. Splendid ‘Winter’ Photo. Glad to hear the weather has not been too harsh for you. Beautiful birch.
    Just to let you know that the Photo Challenge was put together by 4 of us: NanaCathy:;
    RainbowJunkie: and
    The Aran Artisan:
    I don’t want to take all the credit, it is fun doing this together.
    Thanks so much for joining in.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, sadly for sunshine lovers like myself, the winter season does serve a purpose. We had serious issues with apples and other crops a few years ago due to a very mild winter. Personally, I’d like to have a white Christmas and then it can go away. Such a wimp.


  2. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Winter Review | Wild Daffodil

  3. We have a silver birch just planted out last spring in our yard…a rogue seed germinated in our poly tunnel and it grew six feet to touch the ceiling in a very short time. It has hardly budged since going outside. Poor thing is constantly battered by the Atlantic winds, but it is hanging in there. Beautiful picture, so lovely in the snow setting.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Now that is a real winter shot. I got close to snow last winter, (2 kilometres, as mentioned in my winter post) but I last actually saw snow 34 years ago and had to drive to the mountains for that. My Scandinavian friends deliberately send me winter photos in our summer as a taunt.

    Liked by 2 people

    • We’ve had a very mild winter, for which I’m thankful. More snow due over the next two weeks. Last year we still had traces of snow April, hoping no repeat of that activity. Shame on your Scandinavian friends! (Although that did give me a little chuckle.)


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