Sunday Sevens – Week 66

Greetings all! Another week has raced by and here we are again meeting up for Sunday Sevens. To learn all about Sunday Sevens, head over to Natalie’s blog, Threads and Bobbins. It’s easy, fun, and everyone can play!


Christmas Decorating

An old favorite

An old favorite

I remember this little ornament from when I was in elementary school. Save for a wobbly neck piece, it’s held up rather well, don’t you think.

Welcome, Stormy Weather


Stormy skies

After a few hours of welcome rain, sunny skies emerged. Less than an hour later, the clouds were black and threatening again. And there is snow in the mountains!

So mysterious..


A bit of flannel. A bit of linen (blend). Look promising to anyone?

No cat picture today

My buddy

My buddy

My sister’s dog must be among the sweetest ever – he loves cuddles!

Searching for a book 

Lots of books, and....

Lots of books, and….

Sister has a wealth of books for the choosing. I selected “behind the scenes at the museum”, by Kate Atkinson. Has anyone read it?
This book (which I’ve yet to start) was not on the shelf pictured, but this tiny figure was. He rather distracted me from my search. (I call him Little Ralph)



Finishing up my Stitchin’Santa gift package. You may have seen some hints in my recent posts.

That’s it for today. Wishing a great upcoming week for all.

Stitch on, everyone!

16 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens – Week 66

  1. Oooo is the flannel for your secret Santa? Someone’s going to be lucky, it looks really cosy. I love Christmas decorations that tell a story and bring back lovely memories. We’ve only just got our decorations up today and I found a couple that H made when he was younger. 🎄🎄🎄🎄

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  2. ‘Behind the Scenes at the Museum’ is one of my favourite books of all time – I highly recommend it. Kate Atkinson is a really good author – her characters are very well drawn and her writing is literary without being daunting. I have all her books and I am always lending this one to people and not getting back so have bought it umpteen times. I’d love to know how you enjoy it.

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    • We had a great time pulling out those old ornaments. If I recall, that was one of four (red, blue, green, gold) each with a different song. This is apparently the lone survivor. I’m certain you have some lovely Christmas keepsakes for yours, too?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, we do, my most precious are two paper garlands that hang from the ceiling. They were bought in the Fifties and I remember them in my grandparent’s house at Christmas. They have now been handed down to me and I put them up every year, even though they are getting fragile after nearly seventy years!

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  3. Lovely collection from your past week! Cute ickle mouse! Haven’t read that author & didn’t recognize any of the books behind little Ralph, so sorry I can’t chime in. The red fabric does look interesting! (Sorry, am not a pink fan.) Have a lovely week!

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