Sunday Sevens – Week 89

Hello all, another week has passed and it’s time for Sunday Sevens (on Monday). Sunday Sevens is the great idea from Natalie of Threads and Bobbins. Why not check out the “rules” of Sunday Sevens on her blog and see if you’d like to join in?

This particular post is peppered with a preponderance of plant-filled pictures!

Walking weather


It’s warm now, so walking is wonderful! Except for mama, who fell out of bed and has quite the goose egg (dinosaur egg) on her bum. Walking, sitting, even breathing is very uncomfortable, but happily the x-rays showed no breaks or fractures. So I’m walking alone for the time being. Love the sunlight behind these trees.

IMG_7036Had to capture this whimsical duo for you.


Can you spot the butterfly? Light standards along this long avenue sport them in various colors. I like the subtlety of the green one here; it nearly fades into the background.


IMG_7034IMG_7010IMG_6958We have tiny purple bunches, little pink bells, white petals up high.

Almost flowers

IMG_7022Soon-to-be beautiful peonies in white, blush, and my favorite – this glorious magenta!

Not flowers

IMG_7025These will have to go; they will be very tall soon, blocking out the rest of the yard.

Wedding updates

cropped il_570xN.859196870_ffojMy daughter is getting married in the fall. I have my MOB dress. And it’s black!! What? Yes, lovely daughter picked it out (MOG is also wearing black), and it’s beautiful – a long, flowy chiffon with soft ruffles. Now I’m searching for a cropped jacket (bolero? short kimono? shrug?) in a nice purple. Found one option – a lovely silk bolero in iridescent amethyst, but still undecided. Any ideas? (I’m rather afraid to make one from a delicate fabric.)


IMG_7030Starting a couple of new books.

Escape from web weirdness

spam-ad-1940sAnd this is what’s been going on in my online world: I was sent to SPAM. And not the edible kind (ooh, wait, is there an edible kind?). At any rate, it is repaired now, and once again I’m free to spread my ramblings through blogland. I do still have earlier comments that are stuck spam jail cells, but from here on, we’re golden!

That’s it for this week. Hope you all are embarking upon a most wonderful, trouble-free week!

15 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens – Week 89

  1. What lovely flowers, shrubs & trees you have to enjoy along your walks! Sorry to hear your mum took a bit of a wrong turn, but glad it’s nothing too serious. Also glad you’re no longer having Spam! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry to hear about your mum – she’s not been lucky, has she? We have but one peony in exactly the same shade of red which is not quite open yet, either. Happy wedding planning!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not so lucky lately. She’s 90, and was in near perfect health till in her 80s. These recent issues have certainly not been an easy change for her. Peonies are my favorite flower, so watching them come up more each day is exciting! Hope your lone peony (you might want another 😉 ) and mine are all healthy (we had spider mites last year, yuck).

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