Sunday Sevens – Week 67 (Ahem….Make that Sunday Ones?)

Good morning everyone! This is not a very compliant Sunday Sevens, as I only have one photograph. You can read all about Sunday Sevens (and how to do it properly) by checking out the blog Threads and Bobbins, by Natalie, who started it all. You might even want to join in!

This week there are no holiday decorations, no pretty skies, no cats, no dogs, nada. My week, while quite busy and productive, has not been documented by a single photograph! (I considered posting a rant about the pink-sweater woman in Macy’s who had been standing at the wrong side of the counter, paying no attention to the line. When the clerk showed her the line, she popped herself right into the middle of it. You guessed it, directly in front of my mom [in her walker] and me. Apparently, she believed her special line began and ended with her. I hope her day got better, and there were a great many happy, wonderful shoppers who cheerfully expressed their holiday spirit.) But I digress.

Without further ado, here is my one photograph. I had asked my husband to send me a picture when a certain package arrived. Mind, he is not an enthusiastic photographer and has no editing proclivity, so this is what I received from him. Shopping bags on the floor, magazines on the table, and my package! There is no return address showing (where oh where did this come from? and from whom? is there a name somewhere? anywhere? I have to wait to open it till I get home on Dec 28!!).

You’ll also notice #stitchingsanta prominently written on the side.

20151218_200706 (2)

And that’s when it hit me….I had neglected to label my package as such. I’m sure my partner recognized my name in the return address, and realized the package was from her Santa and that her Santa was me even before she opened it!

So Happy Holidays everyone, I hope all you happy santas properly labeled your packages, and that you can open your own on Christmas Day!

18 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens – Week 67 (Ahem….Make that Sunday Ones?)

    • Haha! If the postman reads your blog, the temptation would most surely be there!
      But that’s a good point; there have been many reports of packages being lifted from front porches around here. Saw video of a man actually taking boxes out of a mail truck while the mailman was at the door! Can you imagine?


  1. I can’t comment on the number of photos – I rarely post just seven! It has been fun seeing all the parcels come together, but I have to admit to being nervous in case somebody doesn’t get a parcel:(

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha – I love how many you pics you post! I can imagine how relieved you’ll be when they are all accounted for. Will be checking in as soon as possible to see the results; I’m afraid my own post will be bringing up the rear 😉


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