Sunday Sevens – Week 3 for me

Let’s play a game, shall we? Let’s play Pretend. Let’s pretend that I posted Sunday Sevens on Sunday instead of Monday. Sound good?

For info about Sunday Sevens, please go to its creator, Natalie, over at Threads & Bobbins. There are no real rules, just sharing of seven(ish) pictures. It’s easy and fun, won’t you join us?


Following are some random bits of my week for your viewing pleasure.



1. New books. Actually, only one is new. I am just beginning “The Invention of Wings,”  and about 2/3 through “Under the Banner of Heaven.”



2. Didn’t make it to the farmer’s market this week, but our local grocer offers the very freshest, local products every day. There is always something special going on, and they are the nicest people.



3. One of my favorite places to walk on a flat surface is the Cobbs Hill Reservoir – it’s about 1/2 mile from my home, and the track is .69 mile. So pretty at sunset.



4. I’d like to say this how Frieda keeps her calm demeanor, but she looks a little too wide-eyed to be meditating, don’t you agree?



5. My handsome grandson Carson turned 13 this week! He sent me this photo from his birthday party.











6 & 7. Saturday and Sunday we spent “manning” an outdoor estate sale. The weather was perfect and we met some lovely (and interesting) people. I had my eye on a particular chair….. As it was the lone member of a dining set, no one else was interested. Now it lives happily in our guest room, cozied up to the captain’s desk my sister gave me years ago.

 That’s all folks, have a lovely week!




9 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens – Week 3 for me

  1. Monday was the new Sunday for me too!! Never mind! It’s great whatever time. Your sunset pic is lovely – it’s so hard to be in the right place at the right time for those shots 🙂


  2. That’s so great that you have that lovely park so close to your house! I always feel a little silly getting in the car to go someplace to walk, but it’s all concrete around my house (and a big empty field full of dry grass and probably rattlesnakes). I’m pretty sure cats don’t need to meditate like us poor feeble humans–they always seem pretty calm and focused and clear about what they want. 😉


    • What? Cats don’t meditate? haha! Well, they are pretty zen characters for the most part since they mostly sleep – until they find it necessary to chase each other at breakneck speed over all the furniture. Or when it’s time for dinner! Silly kitties. Sometimes we drive to the reservoir. (I know, it’s 1/2 mile) But it’s a pretty steep hill to get to the track and then my husband runs about 3 miles. When we do walk up, it’s just a couple of leisurely walks around the track. And yes, we are so lucky, it’s beautiful there.
      It’s not silly for you to drive — must never walk near the rattlesnakes! My little sisters were trapped by one when they were very small. Scary. But mama to the rescue – she walloped that snake with a shovel.

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